What are you reading?

A recent commercial playing on television extols going to a vacation spot where you can read anything you want and not be embarrassed. Isn’t it too bad that we live in a culture that is so driven that some would view reading something light or recreational as a waste of time?

I think librarians are the worst. A few months ago, we started a meeting of the public library directors going around the room sharing what we were reading. This was done by way of introduction to the new SELCO Community Information Librarian. I was amazed at how many people apologetically said they were reading a fiction book. It seems to me that in the stressful world of being a library director, it would be admirable to demonstrate the sheer joy of the literature we collect.

I, on the other hand, have limited ability to read fiction (I have to work on that). I truly enjoy reading non-fiction, self-help, or management-related books. Tomorrow I am giving a book-review at the Harmony Public Library “tea time”. Being quite sure that no one would want to hear about my current reading project (Drucker’s Managing the Non-Profit Organization) I have been gulping down Grogan’s Marley and Me. Not a bad read! It reminds me of a couple furry friends that live in my house.