PLA Closing Session

Paco Underhill

(blogging session live – this is my rough notes)

Closing session with Paco Underhill, founder and managing director of Envirosell. Spent 25 years researching shopping behavior.

Came in late, after talking too long after last session

Everyone who comes in to this session has a clock ticking in their head – just like everyone who comes in the library.

What do richest and best want? Good weather, medical facilities, golf, and libraries
Libraries want to be on the real estate radar screen

Adding snack bar – makes us a social crossroads (not just making money).
Want to be social crossroads of people who love books.
Buying and selling book storage – partner with merchants
Seating choices displayed
Why are all chairs the same height?

“Angels Fly – Take Yourselves Lightly”. Having a good time yourself. Having fun in your job, rest of people who come in will have a good time.

Transformation of customer service. Not nose to nose – rather hip-to-hip (come up beside.)
Get out from behind desk.

Go around borrow other ideas – retail a good place to do it.
Use chalkboards.

Look at library as you would a retail outlet.

Displays. Books are beautiful. Speaker has books all over house.

Communication – signage
If 2 signs work, 27 don’t work better.
Blow up signage and start over

Overwhelming majority of people who could use library don’t or don’t know how.
Have courage and energy to go out into community and talk to people.

Library space arrangement:
Separate space for age groups.
Identify service communities (novice, expert)

Throw out concept that being commercial is contrary to profession.

Institution doesn’t start at lease line. Look at parking lot.

90% of people are right-handed. Employ counter-clockwise patterns to accommodate.

“Butt brush factor” – the more apt to be brushed on butt, the le to buy. Applies to space, aisle width, etc.

All labels are too small

Key to success is thinking standing up. Be seen on the floor!